Getting your little one involved is an important part of their development. Open up a whole new world of fun experiences, learning opportunities and memorable moments for your children, whether it’s the arts, clubs, sports or the great outdoors. Sometimes, they find something they love, stick with it and excel at it and sometimes, not so much. That’s all part of discovering their unique selves. But before you sign on the dotted line of that youth program sign-up sheet, asked yourself these questions so you will be clear about what is required for participation.
- What is the minimum age to join?
- What are the fees for outings,uniforms, and other expenses?
- Will you be required to help raise funds?
- Are physical exams required?
- What is the time commitment for meetings, practice time as well as competitions?
So many choices of activities can seem overwhelming, but getting involved in new activities with new people is a fun way to encourage growth in your family. Groups and programs may meet weekly, or as infrequently as every other week, but some teams have practice every day after school and games on the weekends. Remember though, it’s important to keep a balance between schoolwork and extracurricular activities.