From A-Z and puppy dog tails to snails, print off these cute coloring pages and learn an interesting fact about what you’ll be coloring!

Alligators eat a range of different animals such as fish, birds, turtles, and even deer.
There are no wild alpacas, and their fleece is flame resistant and hypoallergenic. Alpacas are said to be therapeutic, too.
Did you know ants are the longest living insects? One species, the pogonomyrmex owyheei, can live up to 30 years!

Did you know that bats use a special skill called echolocation to see in the dark? Read more about bats in the Black Hills.
Here are three facts you didn’t know about bears! Canada is home to nearly 60 percent of the world’s polar bears; black bears can run up to 35 miles per hour; Baloo, from The Jungle Book, is a sloth bear.
Contrary to popular belief, not all bees produce honey. Bumblebees generate very little honey compared to honey bees and are large, fuzzy insects with short, stubby wings.

To protect their eyes from sand, camels have two rows of eyelashes and three eyelids!
Did you know cats have more bones than humans? They can run about 30 miles per hour and jump five times their height!
Caterpillars are herbivores, which means they eat plants. They’re constantly eating so they can grow into butterflies and moths.

Each year deer shed and regrow their antlers, and only males grow them.
Have you ever touched a dog’s nose and it was wet? Wet noses help dogs absorb scent chemicals!
Dragonflies have been around for more than 300 million years. They don’t sting and generally don’t bite people, so you have no reason to be afraid of them.

Hiding during the day and living outdoors at night, earwigs can be found under piles of lawn clippings, compost, or hidden in tree holes.
Elk are ruminant animals and therefore regurgitate their food and re-chew to aid in digestion. This is also known as chewing cud.
Elephants are the largest land mammals, and they live in herds of female elephants. Male elephants stay with a herd until they’re about 15, and then live alone. Did you know a healthy adult elephant can drink up to 60 gallons of water every day!?

Flamingos make nests from mud and prefer to stand on one foot. They look big, but they only weigh five to six pounds! That’s less than the average human baby.
Flies start off as eggs, and then hatch as maggots. They also don’t have any teeth.
Did you know that a group of foxes is called a skulk or leash? They also have whiskers on their legs which help them to navigate.

This animal roams open, grassy plains in Africa and Asia.
Cute, lizard-like reptiles, geckos are found on every continent except Antarctica, and their eyes are 350 times more sensitive to light than our own eyes!
Did you know that a lot of people around the globe actually eat grasshoppers?

Female hawks are larger than males; the species as a whole are very strong and powerful birds of prey.
A hornet is a type of predatory wasp.
Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.

A bird that inhabits salt marshes, swamps, and areas near lakes and rivers, an ibis has a long curved bill and bald spot on their face or throat.
These reptiles love the warmth, shed their skin, and eat vegetables and fruits. Did you know that in the wild, iguanas can break off their tails to escape an enemy. If a predator grabs the tail and holds on? If the tail breaks cleanly, it may grow back.
These caterpillar-like insects have three pairs of legs in the front, and either two or three pairs in the back, but they have no legs in the center which explains why they inch along and how they got their name!

The word jaguar comes from the indigenous word, “yaguar,” which means “he who kills with one leap.” These big cats will eat almost anything and kill with a powerful bite.
With no brain, heart, bones, or eyes, jellyfish are made of a smooth, bag-like body and tentacles armed with tiny, stinging cells.
Junebugs are beetles that are found all over North America and spend most of their lives underground.

There are four species of kangaroo: the red, antilopine, Eastern Grey, and Western Grey. On land kangaroos only ever move their hind legs together, but in water they kick each leg independently to swim.
Killer Whale
Otherwise known as orcas, this toothed whale actually belongs to the dolphin family!
King Crab
King crabs have five pairs of gills to breathe underwater.

In its lifetime, ladybugs can eat up to 5,000 insects!
With tails longer than their bodies, lemurs are herbivores and only weigh five to eight pounds.
Lions are the only cats that live in groups, known as prides, and a roar can be heard up to five miles away.

Brightly colored birds, macaws are like all parrots—unusually intelligent. They can also live up to 80 years!
Known as sea cows, manatees are very gentle, non-aggressive animals that live in shallow, calm rivers; estuaries; bays; canals; and coastal areas.
Like butterflies, moths start off as caterpillars. Unfortunately, those caterpillars are a major problem for farmers in many parts of the world.

These adorable silly creatures are a part of the whale family; Narwhals swim with their bellies up.
Cold-blooded, wet-skinned, and backboned, newts are amphibians that can live both on land and in the water.
While you’re asleep, male nightingales are singing a tune throughout the night trying to serenade migrating females. The song they sing is often quoted in literature and poetry as a metaphor for love, beauty, and poetry itself.

Octopuses have two rows of sucker senses on their eight tentacles. As invertebrates, octopuses have no skeleton.
As the world’s largest bird, ostriches can’t actually fly because of their weight. With that being said, they can run more than 40 miles per hour.
These nocturnal birds have large eyes, powerful talons, and a flat face. A group of them is referred to as a parliament.

Another bird that can’t fly, penguins mostly live in the Southern Hemisphere. The Galapagos penguin is the only penguin species that ventures north of the equator in the wild.
Also known as opossums, a possum is a type of animal called a marsupial, which means they carry their babies in a pouch.
Praying Manits
Praying mantises have long necks topped by a triangular head that can spin 180 degrees!

Quails usually live alone but form flocks in the fall, and can lay 10 to 20 eggs at one time.

A group of rabbits is called a fluffle. These fluffy, adorable, hopping animals are mostly found in North America.
Rainbow Trout
These water predators will eat almost anything they can catch.
An endangered species, rhinos can weigh more than 7,000 pounds! There are fewer than 30,000 rhinos that live in the wild today.

There are three types of snails: land, sea, and freshwater. Depending on their habitat, snails will have lungs or gills.
Snakes have flexible jaws that allow them to eat prey bigger than their head!
These creepy crawly creatures are arachnids, not insects, because they have eight legs instead of six and they don’t have antennae. Did you know most spiders live on land, but there are a few that live in and on water, too!?

Tasmanian Devil
Tasmania is the only place where you’ll find these little devils running around in the wild. Adults are usually the size of a small dog, and their strong, muscular jaws can deliver one of the most powerful bites of any mammal on Earth.
The total weight of all the termites in the world is more than the weight of all the humans in the world; how crazy is that!? They also eat non-stop, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
A group of toads is often called a knot. All toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads.

Spiny little animals that live in the ocean, urchins have tube feet to move and can also walk on their spines.

Similar to mice, voles are small and fuzzy. Their muzzle is more blunt and rounded while their tail is shorter and ears are smaller than mice.
Vultures live everywhere except Australia and Antarctica.

Unlike bees, wasps can sting over and over again. Did you know that they make their nests from paper? They chew up strips of bark and spit it out to make rough paper.
Water Bug
If you see one of these in your pool, there’s no need for alarm. Water bugs feed on algae and other small aquatic organisms, so they don’t bite humans.

Known as the African ground squirrel, Xerus’ are diurnal and eat roots, seeds, fruits, grains, insects, small vertebrates, and eggs.

Yellow-Bellied Marmot
Yellow-bellied marmots generally live in warm, dry areas and are found in places that are almost deserts, open areas in the forests, and in mountains above where trees grow.
Yellow Jacket
A type of wasp, yellow jackets are fierce and aggressive. Local college Black Hills State University’s mascot is a yellow jacket.
Yellow Mongoose
These excellent diggers live underground in burrows. Their homes can have 40 different entrances with chambers and tunnels up to a depth of five feet.

Remember Racing Stripes? Zebras look a little like horses, except for their very particular striped pattern. Did you know a group of zebras is called a “dazzle!?”