You have a love affair with coffee or some other caffeinated beverage and you want to know if you need to give it up while you are pregnant. There are some health care providers who will encourage you to give caffeine up altogether, while other providers will suggest limited consumption.
Start with some of the information The American Pregnancy Association shares
the on their website:
Caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it increases your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which are not recommended during pregnancy. Caffeine also increases the frequency of urination. This causes reduction in your body fluid levels and can lead to dehydration.
Caffeine crosses the placenta to your baby. Although you may be able to handle the amounts of caffeine you feed your body, your baby cannot. Your baby’s metabolism is still maturing and cannot fully metabolize the caffeine. Any amount of caffeine can also cause changes in your baby’s sleep pattern or normal movement pattern in the later stages of pregnancy. Remember, caffeine is a stimulant and can keep both you and your baby awake.
Caffeine is not only found in coffee but also in tea, soda, chocolate, and even some over-the-counter medications that relieve headaches. Be aware of what you consume.
Are these top three Concerns Facts Or Myths?
Caffeine causes birth defects in humans.
Numerous studies on animals have shown that caffeine can cause birth defects, premature labor, preterm delivery, reduced fertility, and increase the risk of low-birth weight offspring and other reproductive problems. There have not been any conclusive studies done on humans, though. It is still better to play it safe when it comes to inconclusive studies.
Caffeine causes miscarriages.
In 2008, two studies on the effects of caffeine related to miscarriage showed significantly different outcomes. In one study released by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, it was found that women who consume 200 mg or more of caffeine daily, are twice as likely to have a miscarriage as those who do not consume any caffeine. In another study released by Epidemiology, there was no increased risk in women who drank a minimal amount of coffee daily (between 200-350 mg per day).
Due to conflicting conclusions from numerous studies, the March of Dimes states that until more conclusive studies are done, pregnant women should limit caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day. This is equal to about one 12 oz. cup of coffee.
A woman should not consume ANY caffeine during her pregnancy.
Experts have stated that moderate levels of caffeine have not been found to have a negative effect on pregnancy. The definition of moderate varies anywhere from 150 mg – 300 mg a day.
How much is too much?
The less caffeine you consume, the better. Some experts say more than 150 mg of caffeine a day is too much, while others say more than 300 mg a day is too much. Black Hills Family’s Events Coordinator, Kayla Schmalz, had to choose during her recent pregnancy. “When I found out I was pregnant I knewI needed to cut back on caffeine. I found information that says caffeine is totally fine and that it is the worst thing you could consume. With my provider’s advice, I decided to compromise and order half-caf lattes.”
Avoiding caffeine as much as possible is your safest course of action. If you must get your fix, discuss this with your provider to make the healthiest choice.