Douglas School District Update

Biggest Challenge: Space

The biggest challenge Douglas Schools are currently facing is that of space. The elementary facilities are full, and the middle school is over capacity. To address these needs, a new 620-student elementary school is planned and shovel-ready. Middle and high school facility needs will be addressed following the construction of the new elementary building.

The district is actively working with State and Federal legislators to obtain funding. Historically, funding has been 65% federal, 25% state, and 10% district. While the presence of Ellsworth Air Force Base (EAFB) within district lines is an asset for the district, city and even state, it does pose a challenge by way of tax valuation for the district. Which is why strong relationships with legislators is so important.

In addition to new facilities, Douglas School District will be piloting preschool for four-year olds this upcoming school year. While preschool is not a state-funded program in South Dakota, it is something military families are actively looking for when scoping out their new homes. In an effort to provide the best quality of life possible to military families as well as non-military residents, Douglas Schools are excited to provide this new program.

Something to be Proud of: Purple Star School

Douglas Schools are the first in South Dakota to receive the Purple Star Designation. This designation is awarded to
military-friendly schools demonstrating a major commitment to military-connected students and families.
To qualify, schools must:
Designate a staff point of contact for military students and families.
Maintain a dedicated webpage with information and resources for military families.
Have a student-led transition program.
Provide professional development on special considerations for military students and families.

Douglas Schools maintains a strong collaborative relationship with Ellsworth’s School Liaison Office (SLO). Additionally, the middle school and high school each have a Military and Family
Life Counselor (MFLAC) who provides services exclusively to military families.
The Purple Star Designation supports the goals of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, aiding in the successful transition and graduation of military children. Purple Star Schools enhance state revenue by attracting and retaining military families, as the U.S. military considers the quality of local K-12 schools in its basing decisions. These schools also foster diverse, inclusive, and supportive environments,
benefiting all students.

How the Community Can Support DSD

Get Involved: Participate actively in school activities and events.

• Advocate: Support DSD when speaking with legislative delegations.

• Stay Informed: Attend school board meetings in-person, or watch live-streamed and recorded meetings online. Sign up on the website to receive notifications, agendas, and links for board meetings.

• Join Advisory Groups: Apply to be part of the Community Advisory Council or serve as an ambassador.

• Vote: Participate in elections that impact the school district.

Community Context and Impact

Growth of Box Elder: The community is larger than many realize, extending up to Watiki.

Economic and Strategic Importance: The presence of Ellsworth Air Force Base significantly impacts the state and nation, both economically and strategically.

Diversity and Enrichment: The military population brings diverse perspectives and experiences, enriching the district.

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