Consider updating your goals and plans, with the objective to revitalize your approach to health and wellness. Together as a family make a plan, commit to it and map your progress. Kids like seeing things in a visual format so create a poster that will serve to clearly state the family’s new goals.
COMMUNICATION. Encouragement and praise, along with discipline and structure, started at a young age, will serve to guide your children now and even throughout adulthood. Clearly communicate with children on an age appropriate level to help them learn best. Ask open-ended questions (to get more than a yes or no answer) so that conversation continues back and forth. Try to see situations and the world from their unique perspective, and you may find a better way to communicate your message.
NUTRITION. How many times in the last week have you caught yourself saying: Come on! Just three more bites. Use the tips we’ve included for eating healthy on a budget to increase the nutritional value of your meals. Maybe even try those colorful little gummy vitamins to ensure children receive the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals.
Commit time each day to have regular family meals. Declare this time as interruption-free; no tv, don’t answer the phone, and no texting at the table. Dinnertime may be the only fraction of the day when the whole family can rendezvous all at once—don’t let the opportunity pass you by!
While at the grocery store discuss age appropriate nutrition while you shop. Let them assist you in making healthy food purchases. Once at home again, you can put away your groceries together and find fun recipes to follow as a team.
FITNESS. Parents concerned with their kids not getting enough daily exercise should ask themselves if they’re getting enough exercise themselves. Kids aren’t the only ones who need daily exercise. A good way to encourage kids is to join them. Make daily physical activity a family effort. Encourage kids to be active, instead of emphasizing exercise. Being active doesn’t have to entail playing a sport or doing any calisthenics. Instead, an active lifestyle is one that’s not spent idling the hours away lounging.
SEE THE DOC! Visiting trusted health professionals is important to monitor your child’s growth and to be proactive with any problems that may arise—so learn your child’s immunization schedule, perform appropriate health screenings, and schedule regular wellness check-ups. Be ready with a list of questions for your health professional in order to cover everything you intended to in that short time. Talk to your children about what to expect when visiting the doctor.
Watch for signs of emotional or behavioral issues in your children, and know when it’s time to seek the help of a counselor or therapist. Keep an eye on their trends in play—this natural medium of expression is sure to keep you in the loop of what’s going on beneath the exterior.
HABITS. In an effort to freeze diseases in their tracks develop good hygiene habits. Teach children to wash their hands for the proper length of time (a good tip is to sing their ABC’s through twice).
Kids often have a hard time remembering to brush and floss their teeth. Using a brushing chart helps them to remember to brush and floss their teeth on a daily basis, plus it gives you a little reassurance that this important task isn’t being forgotten.Within no time at all you’ll have an updated health and fitness plan for the whole family.