Off They Go: Navigating the First Summer Send-Off

Sending your kid to camp can be an emotional roller coaster — and not just for them. While it can be difficult to send your little one off, especially for the first time, the benefits far outweigh any of those nervous feelings.

Preparing for the Big Day

For many kids, this may be the first time they’ll be away from home for an extended period, so it’s normal for them to feel anxious. Brittany Nichols, Assistant Camp Director at Cedar Canyon Camp, shared some helpful advice for parents: “If you can, try to make sure that your child has a buddy they know when they get there. That way, when they arrive, they don’t feel completely isolated and alone.”

A Leap of Faith

Summer camp is a fantastic opportunity for children to develop independence. Away from the usual routine, they’ll be required to make decisions, manage their own time and take responsibility for their belongings. 

As Brittany explained, “It’s really important for kids to take that leap of faith and just try camp. They might feel nervous at first, but once they experience it, they’ll see all the great things camp has to offer. The activities, the friendships, and the spiritual time.”

Separation Anxiety

One of the toughest aspects for both parents and kids is dealing with separation anxiety. While it’s natural for children to miss home, they’re typically busy enough with activities to distract them from any homesickness. As a parent, staying positive and upbeat in your conversations about camp will help ease their worries.

Brittany reassures parents, saying, “We have your child’s best interests at heart. We do everything we can to help them feel safe, cared for and supported while they’re with us.”

It’s important to remember that this separation is an opportunity for your kid to grow. They’ll learn to navigate the world without constant supervision and gain a sense of pride in their ability to manage themselves in a new setting.