The Merriam Webster dictionary defines a hero as:
“a person who is admired for great or brave acts, or fine qualities.”
You don’t need to tell us that parenting requires bravery and fine qualities. But in case you need convincing, this issue includes superhero moms, dads, and kids who show us how they face each new day with a resolution.
Even superheroes need ideas to keep it fresh. To enhance the superpowers of our heroes (that’s you, our readers) we included a list of spring storybooks, an extensive calendar of family events, and super art projects for inspiration.
In the Spring Issue we introduce you to a few parents that would never describe themselves as superheroes, but we think they’re pretty super. Different people have different heroes whom they look up to, and whomever they may be, they all possess certain superhero qualities like these, which set them apart.

Courage. This is the first and the foremost quality of a hero. A hero overcomes their fears and confronts any challenge head on. Lyndsey Ackley shares her ideas on how to confront the little things each day.
Sacrifice. A parent is always quite willing to cast off their personal preference and personal comforts for the welfare of their children. Julie Oberlander shares what every parent feels.
Conviction. Heroes have a strong conviction as they have strong beliefs regarding a particular situation. It is a set of unshakable thoughts or beliefs, which cannot be altered by any chance. That’s Chris Parrish, Young Life Associate Director.
Perseverance. This quality is what that makes Jason and Melissa Mez special. Even if they encounter bumps along the way, they are determined to do the best they can and fight till they achieve success.
Determination. For two high school athletes the word “Impossible” always decomposes to yield “I am possible.” These two Level 10 gymnasts are unflinching in their determination and belief in their ability without the whiff of doubt.
Compassion. A true hero is always empathetic, kind and shows a great deal of compassion and tenderness to those ailing or in distress, and that sounds like our new dads.
Dedication. Heroes are selflessly dedicated to their task and will thus focus their actions towards its achievement. Read Jimmy and Jennifer Dettman’s story and see how they whole-heartedly dedicate themselves to the task.
We all possess some of these superhero virtues, and each day we have the opportunity to work on adding another of these qualities to our superhero life.
Enjoy spring with all of the hope and new life it will bring. We will be.
Until Next Issue,
Lisa DenHerder
P.S. This issue launches the first annual Inspiring Military Moms search.
Photo by Legacy