Soccer is easy to pick up for a lot of kids

7 Benefits of Kids Playing Soccer

Soccer can be one of the best introductions to team sports for kids. It can also easily become a life-long passion and a lasting source of self-confidence and physical activity. The unique and innovative programs available at Black Hills Rapids Soccer Club offers kids of all skill levels and personal goals the opportunity to thrive in soccer. In their own words:

Youth Soccer players in the West River area now have the ability to reach their individual goals whether it’s playing in our recreational program of 1,200-1,500 players all the way to getting tryout opportunities with the Colorado Rapids Development Academy (CO Rapids DA) and the Elite Clubs National League teams (ECNL) (boys and girls).

Whether your kid is looking for an amazing introduction to team sports or is looking to become the next Mia Hamm or Christian Pulisic, Black Hills Rapids Soccer Club has an opportunity for them. And with fall 2022 registration now open, now is the perfect time to start thinking about giving your son or daughter the opportunity to discover a life-long passion. 

Still need convincing? Here’s 7 reason soccer is great for kids (and really everyone)

#1 Easy to pick up

The nuances and precise strategies of soccer can wait till the kids are older. For kindergartners and even younger, soccer can and should be simple—kick the ball into the goal! Others sports might take more explanation (think bases in tee ball).

#2 Teaches quick thinking

Soccer, more than any other sport, features non-stop action that requires constant, split-second decision making. This is a skill that will pay dividends in the life of your child throughout their life.  

#3 Keeps kids fit

On average, soccer players burn 600 calories per hour while they’re playing a recreational game. Kids don’t need to worry about burning calories today, but when they’re grownups, they’ll be thankful that they already have a love for being active. 

#4 Make friends

Soccer is first and foremost a team sport. Kids get to learn cooperation and appreciation of the uniqueness that each of their teammates bring to the game.

#5 Learn respect and sportsmanship

Success in soccer, like any sport, stems from respect for the coach and other adults who are helping to guide the team. Teammates and opponents also are worthy of respect. If kids can figure respect out on the soccer field, they’ll be more likely to show respect in everything they do. 

#6 Self-confidence

Our brains are wired to reward progress. When a kid learns a new sport and begins to grow in their skills and abilities, their sense of self-confidence expands.  

#7 Leadership skills

Leadership, ultimately, is about learning to be an example to your teammates and putting the team before yourself. Soccer is the perfect arena for kids to be introduced to a true picture of leadership for the first time. 

Need help guiding your kids on decisions about activities and extracurriculars? Check out our post about choosing activities and balancing life.